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Creation of diptanshumahish.in |  a journey

Creation of diptanshumahish.in | a journey

A quick details of how I made this portfolio website from scratch

written on Monday 08 April, 2024
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How did I begin?

I started this portfolio project back when I was in second year. I tried making a monochrome one. That website was a bit too minimal I guess. Then I tried making like some 10 - 20 new designs. Not kidding about the number. I went to like that extent in finding out a cool looking portfolio. Searched on YouTube for inspiration. Man! people make so amazing portfolios! With more searching and stuff, found some inspiration about minimalism. Minimalism is an easy excuse to make things easier btw 🙃

If you ask me if I love my current portfolio website? Maybe not. I might change it again someday 🥲
Blog Image
From the website

Things I considered while making the website

I remember making a huge list of things that I considered adding to my website. Only a handful of them made to reality. Here is the final list of things that I considered worth adding to my website.

  1. Minimalism : Because minimalism is always a good excuse 😀 to do things less and get done away with less efforts. Well sometimes makes things look clean as well.
  2. Catchy, yet clean colors : Now this term might seem weird, but well checkout the colors I’ve used. They are pretty much self answerable 🎨.
  3. Adding locomotive scroll : It was my dream to make those super smooth websites. I used to think they were some miracle websites. Later on I realized it’s just a package 🛤️.
  4. Background images : I added some random shapes and stuff, in background, which scroll at different speeds, making a parallax effect that looks dayumn! 🥺
  5. Projects Section : Projects section is of course a must in portfolio websites, hence added it. Not very detailed. But in brief I added some projects.
  6. Contact form : A contact form is super necessary for any portfolio website. I used formsubmit for making the form in my website working. Works like a charm I must say.

That’s all I guess.

Domain and background stuff

Fun fact. The website you are currently seeing was started with an idea of making an ecommerce stuff to sell designs and stuff. With the brand name of “dptnshu”.

This idea is still in the making and there is already a shop button. I guess it clearly indicates some future aspects. I was thus considering buying the domain as dptnshu.com . But then I thought let’s first go with the own portfolio. That’s how things happened. I started thinking of using aws for my hosting, then was like nah. Vercel would be enough for this sort of work, made a new Github account and a new Vercel account(previous account had crossed image optimization limits). That’s how I did away with the hosting and domain connection. I got the domain from GoDaddy domains.

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Blogs section

Why a blogs section?

I added a blogs section to my website, cz simply why not man? I used Notion databases as my backend for writing the blogs. Super simple to use, provides lots of styling. What am I gonna write in these blogs? I don’t know, let’s see man. Maybe some personal stuff? maybe some technical stuff at times. Who cares though? Doesn’t seem that anyone would ever come to visit the blogs. But okay alright.

Future Aspects.

Am I going to upgrade the website someday? ABSOLUTELY!


written by

Diptanshu Mahish

(Academy Of Technology)

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